Transform an hash Ref to a PDS Object


In many situations he can be useful to transform the PDS into a Perl hash (with asHash() method) to make a set of actions. But after that maybe we want to re-publish the message in the NimBus queue.

So we will see how to retransform our HashRef Object into a valid PDS for the Nimsoft API !

API Used on this example


use Nimbus::API;
use Nimbus::PDS;
use Scalar::Util qw(looks_like_number); # Dont forget to implement looks_like_number routine

# Copy this routine on your code
sub pdsFromArray {
    my ($arrayRef) = @_;
    return if ref($arrayRef) ne "ARRAY";

    my $PDS = Nimbus::PDS->new;
    my $index = 0;
    foreach(@{ $arrayRef }) {
        if (ref($_) eq "HASH") {
            $PDS->put($index, pdsFromHash($_), PDS_PDS);
        elsif (ref($_) eq "ARRAY") {
            $PDS->put($index, pdsFromArray($_), PDS_PDS);
        else {
            $PDS->put($index, $_, looks_like_number($_) ? PDS_INT : PDS_PCH);
    return $PDS;

sub pdsFromHash {
    my ($hashRef) = @_;
    my $PDS = Nimbus::PDS->new;
    for my $key (keys %{ $hashRef }) {
        my $val = $hashRef->{$key};
        if (ref($val) eq "HASH") {
            $PDS->put($key, pdsFromHash($val), PDS_PDS);
        elsif (ref($val) eq "ARRAY") {
            $PDS->put($key, pdsFromArray($val), PDS_PDS);
        else {
            $PDS->put($key, $val, looks_like_number($val) ? PDS_INT : PDS_PCH);
    return $PDS;

my $PDS = pdsFromHash({
    message => "hello world"

# Do the action you want here...
# nimSendReply($hMsg, NIME_OK, $PDS);

This version doesn’t support float and native PDS Array types because of some SDK Perl limitation (some methods and PDS Types are missing).