Get hubs, robots informations


In this example we want to retrieve the complete list of hubs and robots of the whole UIM infrastructure where the script will be connected.

API used in this example


use Nimbus::API;
use Nimbus::PDS;

# get hubslist from local hub
sub getHubs {
	my ($RC, $pdsRET) = nimNamedRequest("hub", "gethubs", Nimbus::PDS->new()->data);
    if ($RC != NIME_OK) {
        my $nimError = nimError2Txt($RC);
        die "Failed to execute `gethubs` on the current connected hub, Error ($RC): $nimError\n";

	my @hubs = ();
	my $PPDS = Nimbus::PDS->new($pdsRET);
	for ( my $i = 0; my $HUBPDS = $PPDS->getTable("hublist", PDS_PDS, $i); $i++) {
		push(@hubs, $HUBPDS->asHash());

	return \@hubs;

# Catch error with eval (same as a try/catch)
eval {
	my $hubArr = getHubs();
	my @robots = ();
	foreach my $hub (@{ $hubArr }) {
		my ($RC, $pdsRET) = nimNamedRequest("$hub->{addr}", "getrobots", Nimbus::PDS->new()->data);
		if ($RC != NIME_OK) {
			my $nimError = nimError2Txt($rc);
			print STDERR "Faild to execute `getrobots` on hub addr $hub->{addr}, Error ($RC): $nimError\n";

		my $PPDS = Nimbus::PDS->new($pdsRET);
		for ( my $i = 0; my $ROBOTPDS = $PPDS->getTable("robotlist", PDS_PDS, $i); $i++) {
            push(@robots, $ROBOTPDS->asHash());

	my $totalRobotCount = scalar @robots;
	print STDOUT "Total robots count: $totalRobotCount\n";
    print Dumper(@robots)."\n";

	# Do what you want here
	# execute get_info to get more informations !
	# execute probelist on the robot ? etc...
print STDERR $@ if $@;